Get Involved
There are lots of ways you can be involved and support North & West Yorkshire ASBAH, see below or Contact Us today to find out more!

You can make a big difference to our charity by fundraising for us. Whether you hold a bake sale for friends or take part in a sponsored run, every penny of the money you raise goes to our charity to support our members.
Here are just a few ideas of how you could raise money for our charity, and how others have raised funds for us.
Birthday Facebook Fundraiser
Clear out your closet on Vinted or Ebay and donate the takings to NWY ASBAH
Hold a guess the baby photo at work. Charge £1 for every guess.
Take part in a sponsored walk
Think of more? Join our new fundraising committee! We meet up every couple of months either online or in an accessible local pub.
NWY ASBAH is a member led charity, overseen by a board of volunteer trustees. Our volunteers are what make our activities and events possible.
Our charity would not exist without the help of our volunteers and therefore they are very important to us.
Being an ASBAH volunteer is rewarding for the obvious reasons but also it can be a wonderful way to make friends, and gain skills and experience.
We are currently looking for:
A new fundraising committee. Our meet ups are social get togethers, where we put our heads together and come up with new community fundraising ideas. Any help you can offer is much appreciated and there is no minimum commitment.
Volunteers at our online and face to face support group activities. This helps us to make people feel comfortable and welcome, especially when joining our activities for the first time.
New Parent Buddy Scheme members. We are setting up a parent buddy scheme to put parents in touch with others for mutual support.

We rely on donations and grants to enable us to support the members of our charity. Children and adults with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus face many challenges in their daily lives. They and their families/carers need to be given the right information and local support to allow them to get the most out of life, so we try to support the whole family including siblings.
If you would like to make a donation now, please get in touch for payment details on the email below, any amount is really very gratefully received.​​